วันอังคารที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Real Deal On Fake Designer Bags

By: Jim Brown

Only a select few who are rich enough and can afford are lucky to own designer handbags. These bags can be very expensive and so knockoffs are making their way into the consumer market because many people worldwide desire to look fashionable and trendy but then couldn't afford the high price tags that these original and authentic designer bags come with. While you may think that buying a fake one will help save you money, you have to think about its harm and impact to the economy.
There are many reasons on why you should not even consider purchasing fake designer bags. First, the honest paying taxpayers carry the burden of this illegal business which is absolutely tax free as the business is not legitimate. Government sources have disclosed that billions of dollars in taxes are lost and are not paid by these counterfeiters so the honest taxpayers practically are on the losing end of making up for this difference.
The purchase of fake designers simply supports illegal activities and organized crime. There is evidence that many of the illegal activities and organized crimes committed are financed with money sourced from the sale of fake designer goods. Also, many of these fake designer bags are made by companies that employ child labor and who put these children under such unsafe conditions.
When you do think about it, the price difference of an original designer bag as compared to its fake or replica counterpart really enables the buyer to save hundreds of dollars. But then when it comes to fake designer bags, you can always expect the built and quality to be such a big difference. The craftsmanship of the bag is inferior and low quality leather is utilized. You are lucky enough if the thing doesn't fall apart in a couple of months and could last for more than three months.
Even if it the bag does not at all falls apart into pieces, there can be a huge change when it comes to the appearance. The leather no longer is rigid and will lose its shape. Stitches may run and edges may tear. Designer handbags that are original and authentic are made to last sometimes even a lifetime. They are even handed down to daughters.
It is suggested that if you cannot afford the real thing, then settle for those bags that are within what you can afford instead of trying to patronize knockoffs and replicas.
